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Details on Climate data for the Netherlands

Information on the Climate data for the Netherlands section of the general heat load data.

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Module overviewHeat loadProject levelGeneral heat load data

Section climate data Netherlands Linear Revit

Base outside temperatures

Shows the outside temperature of -10 °C as specified in the standard. The base outside temperature results from the design outside temperature, which is adjusted with a temperature correction if necessary.

Temperature correction (time constant) (4.0 K)

Enabled: Depending on the selected building mass and the transmission losses of the building, a correction between 0 and 4 K is applied to the outside temperature. The corrected value is displayed in the Standard outside temperature field.

Annual average temperature

The annual average temperature is fixed at 9 °C by the standard and cannot be changed.

Inside temperatures according to standard

Enabled: Overwrites the indoor room temperatures for the heating case with the temperatures from the standard, depending on the selected room type. In the room view of the heat load, a tooltip appears above the input field of the room temperature with the note Room temperature corresponding to selected standard.

Disabled: Room temperatures can be entered manually. If the values entered correspond to the specifications in the standard, a tooltip appears above the input field for the room temperature with the note Room temperature corresponding to the selected standard. If the values entered do not comply with the standard, the note Room temperature is freely agreed appears at this point.

Higher Standard inside temperatures

This checkbox is only active if the following checkboxes are also activated: Inside temperatures according to standard and Newly built house in the area of VentilationInfiltration.

Enabled: Sets the higher standard inside temperature depending on the room type.

Disabled: Sets the lower standard inside temperatures if inside temperatures according to standard is activated. If Inside temperatures according to standard is also deactivated, the temperatures from the general room data at room level are used.