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Details on Room level

Information on the General tab at room level.

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Module overviewModuleRoom level (Building structure)

General data on: Room- LINEAR Building


Is used to identify the structural level and simultaneously for sorting in the tree structure. The number may only appear once on the respective structural level.

Short desc.

The short description can contain a text and/or a variable. Available variables:
  • one to three digit numbers
  • Numbers and abbreviations of superordinate levels
In the corresponding context menu, predefined variables are () available for selection.


Free text to be entered for this structural level.


Drop-down list to select the room type. Based on the room type, minimum air exchange rates acc. to the standard are proposed for the heat load calculation. If you have selected the option Indoor temperatures according to standard in the General heat load data (project level), the indoor temperatures of the rooms are set to the room type-dependent temperatures acc. to standard. For rooms in residential buildings, the room type determines whether a room is classified as a supply air, extract air or overflow room for ventilation purposes.


You can enter the desired room temperatures for the heating and cooling case. Enter either fixed temperatures or variables. If the option Indoor Temperatures According to Standard is activated in the General Heat Load Data (Project Level) in the Heat Load module, the standard indoor temperature is used for the heating case, depending on the selected room type, and not the temperature entered here. The temperature for the cooling case is used to calculate the cooling load.

Clear internal dimensions

The clear internal dimensions of the corresponding room. These dimensions are used to calculate the room volume to determine the heat loss of ventilation in the heat and cooling load.

Length, Width Enter the clear internal dimensions of the room in meters. Click to open the Room Dimensioning dialog where you can specify wall thicknesses.

Area: The clear building area is automatically calculated from length and width. The value can be overwritten and is then shown in bold letters. Click enters the calculated value again.

Floor structure: The height of the finished floor above the top edge of the unfinished floor. If you have entered the building from CAD and a floor structure has been defined in the storey table in CAD, the entered value is displayed at this point. The value can be changed or entered manually if required. A manually changed value is displayed in bold. Click on to reset it to the entered value. This value influences the clear distance to the parapet height and therefore the height of the radiators in the radiator design.

Celling thickness, clear height: These values are taken from the general specifications of the storey level. You can overwrite the Ceiling thickness with your own value, e.g. to realize a suspended ceiling. As soon as you modify the ceiling thickness in the general specifications at storey level, the user-defined value is also overwritten with the one from the storey level. The building detection treats a possibly existing floor construction as belonging to the ceiling and adds it accordingly: With 300 mm ceiling thickness and 100 mm floor construction, the detection enters 400 mm ceiling thickness. Suspended ceilings are not taken into account in the clear height, since air volumes behind them are relevant in the calculations.

Volume: If the building was entered from a CAD program, this value is transferred directly for asymmetrical rooms or for rooms with unknown length/width. In this case, the button is active. Click on to remove the entered value and insert the volume calculated from the area and height. The volume can be adjusted manually, e.g. to take suspended ceilings into account; the value is then displayed in bold. Volumes entered from a CAD program that have been adjusted manually are not overwritten when synchronized with the model.

Manually adjusted values from a CAD program can be reset to the entered value by clicking on . A second click on inserts the volume calculated from the area and height.

If the building was created manually, the volume is determined automatically from the values entered. The value can be overwritten and is then shown in bold letters. Click enters the calculated value again.

Exterior dimensions

Length, Width If the clear internal dimensions have been entered via the Room measurementdialog, the external dimensions are automatically applied. Values can be entered manually. Click to open the Room Dimensioning dialog where you can specify wall thicknesses.

Area: The outer area of the room is automatically calculated from the entered values. The value can be overwritten and is then shown in bold letters. Click enters the calculated value again.

Storey height: This value is either transferred from the entry or taken from the entry at storey level. The value can be overwritten deviating from the storey.

Volume: This value is either transferred from the detection or determined from the calculated area and the storey height. The value can be overwritten and is then shown in bold letters. Click enters the calculated value again.

Other dimensions

Parapet height

If this room should have a different window parapet height than specified on the storey level, a deviating height can be entered here.

Height lower edge

Specifies the absolute height of the lower edge of the room in relation to the first floor, which is used in the calculation methods DIN/TS 12831-1 (2020), EN 12831-1 (2020), NBN 12831-1 ANB (2020) and SN SIA 384/2 (2020). The value is used to determine the absolute heights of the lower edges of the room components, which are displayed in the h_U column in the room view, which is hidden by default. The mean heights of the room components are derived from the absolute heights of the lower edges of the room components, which are used to determine the surface temperatures of the room components and are included in the temperature correction factor for rooms with greater height (summand f2).

The value is also transferred when a CAD building model is created. For projects whose building structure has been created manually in LINEAR Building, the value is derived from the height of the room in the building. The value can be overwritten and is then shown in bold letters. Click on to restore the original value.


Approximate capacity per qm

Clicking opens the Approximate heat load, in which you can select a specific approximate capacity depending on the building type. You can also enter a customized value.

Further data

Number of Persons

Number of persons in this room. This value can either be transferred from a connected CAD program during building detection, entered manually or determined by the ventilation calculation method selected in the Ventilation module. Manually entered values and those from the building detection are shown in bold. If the selected ventilation calculation method contains a calculation method for determining the number of people, the calculated value is inserted when you click on . With the corresponding setting in the Synchronization area of the configuration, this value is transferred back to a connected CAD program.