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Details on “QuickLayer”

Information on the QuickLayer feature in AutoCAD.

The QuickLayer is a dynamic toolbox that let’s you manage the layers of your drawing quickly and conveniently.

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QuickLayer area in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

You can position the QuickLayer window anywhere on your screen or dock it to the left edge of the program window. As an alternative to the standard docking via drag-and-drop, you can also dock and undock the window by double-clicking on the title bar. To display the QuickLayer window automatically when the program is started, you must select the Enable QuickLayer option on the General tab in the Configuration.


Opens a list of all storeys in the drawing for which layers exist. You can enable or disable all layers of a storey or freeze and unfreeze them by clicking on the storey. You can specify whether to enable/disable or freeze/unfreeze with the button Enable/Disable or Freeze/Unfreeze (/).

After clicking on , you can select an element of a storey in the drawing to disable or freeze all layers of the corresponding storey. Click on the corresponding storey in the list of storeys to enable or unfreeze the layers.


Opens a list of all component groups in the drawing. You can disable or enable all layers belonging to the component groups or freeze and unfreeze them by clicking on the groups. You can specify whether to enable/disable or freeze/unfreeze with the button Enable/Disable or Freeze/Unfreeze (/).

After clicking on , you can select an element of a component group (e.g. a wall or room number) in the drawing to disable or freeze all layers of the corresponding group. Click on the corresponding group in the list of component groups to enable or unfreeze the layers.

Disable/Enable - Freeze/Unfreeze

Determines whether the layers are disabled/enabled or frozen/unfrozen using the QuickLayer function.

Toggle Group Selection

Enables/Disables the AutoCAD function Group Selection.

Select Profile

Opens a list of different profiles for the QuickLayer and allows you to select them. The individual profiles contain different thematically compiled groups of layer types for different applications.

Disable Layers

After clicking on , you can select an object in the drawing to disable the layer on which the object is located.