Edit room tag
Shows step-by-step how to edit room tags.
Before you begin
You want to edit the room tag in your drawing.
Navigate to:
Applies to all disciplines.
- Double-click on a line of the room tag.
The Advanced attribute editor dialog opens.
- Select the row of the attribute you want to edit and enter the new value in the Value input field.
- If necessary, switch to the Text options tab to specify a different text style for the display of the attribute or to adjust other options relating to the text formatting of the value.
- If you wish, switch to the Properties tab to assign the value of the attribute to another layer or to adjust the line type, line thickness or color used.
- Click on Apply to save your changes.
- If necessary, repeat the previous steps for other room tag attributes.
- If you wish, use the Select block button to select another room tag from the drawing for editing.
- Close the dialog with OK.
You have edited room tags and updated them in your drawing.