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Output with the LINEAR Solutions in AutoCAD

Get basic information about the output and export functions of the LINEAR Solutions for AutoCAD.

The LINEAR Solutions offer you a wide range of options for the output and export of project data, drawings, calculation results or component lists.

You can print or plot your drawing including your project data on a printer. This allows to specify what information your printout will contain. You can create 2D images for sharing revision drawings or for plotting in 2D style.

When you have performed a successful calculation for your finished netwprk, you can display the calculation results as well as parts lists and form sheets. In addition to the output of all project data, you can also limit the output to desired systems or a user-definable selection of components. Various output formats and print languages are available for the output.

With the LINEAR Solutions you can export your projects to various formats. For example, you can export building models including all system and calculation data to IFC format or generate isometrics from the building models.

Component lists provide an overview of all data of components present in your network. You can export the parameters of these components and edit them in Microsoft Excel, for example, to import the modified data again and write them onto the components.