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Drawing Pipes With Slope

Shows step-by-step how to design pipes with gradient/slope.

Before you begin

You want to create pipes with gradient/slope.

Navigate to:

Project tabDiscipline3D - Model planningCreate tabCommand group Pipes


  1. In the area Construction height, select the construction plane, a reference edge and an offset.
  2. Select a Medium from the drop-down list.
  3. Optional: Open the Slope area using the triangle symbol.
  4. Select the Construct with slope checkbox.
  5. Use the radio buttons to select whether you want to draw the pipe with a rising or falling gradient/slope.
  6. Enter the slope/gradient in the respective field either as a percentage or in degrees.
  7. Switch to a top view in your drawing.
  8. Start the Draw pipe < command.
  9. Click to define the starting point for the pipe and select the reference edge in the context menu that appears.
    The Start data dialog opens.
  10. Specify the design of the pipe by selecting Material, Pressure rating, Pipe type and Bends/Angle type as well as Nominal diameter and confirm your selection by clicking OK.
    The Start data dialog closes and the drawing process is started.
  11. Determine the course of the pipe and click to place the pipe end.


The pipe has been constructed with the specified gradient/slope. Check the course of the pipe in a side view of the drawing.