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Drawing a Flexible Hose (Siphonic Drainage Systems)

Shows step-by-step how to draw a hose in a siphonic drainage system.

Before you begin

You want to draw a hose for connecting the roof drain and siphonic drainage pipe in a siphonic drainage system.


You have already connected the roof drain to the siphonic drainage pipe with a rigid pipe using the Rigid connection command.

Navigate to:

Project tabDiscipline Roof Drainage3D - Floor Planning / 2D - Scheme PlanningCreate tabCommand group Symbols / PipesSymbols ...

Applies to: Roof Drainage


  1. Click the Draw flexible hose button Draw flexible hose Linear Solutions AutoCAD.
  2. Click on any point (P1) on the vertical roof drain pipe.
    Draw flexible hose Selection Linear Solutions AutoCAD
  3. Click on the connecting pipe at the point where the hose is to end (P2).


The rigid pipe has been replaced by a hose.

Draw flexible hose Selection Linear Solutions AutoCAD