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Create and Draw User-Defined Valves with the Valve Generator

Shows step-by-step how to create fittings, e.g. pumps or double pumps, with the Valve Generator in order to add them to the Custom components selection and draw them in.

Before you begin

You want to create a custom fitting, e.g. a pump or double pump, and add it to your drawing.


The steps for creating a pump, double pump or three-way valve are the same in each case. The process is described using a pump as an example.

Navigate to:

Project tabDiscipline3D - Model planningCreate tabCommand group Components

Applies to: Heating, Cooling, Potable Water, Waste Water, Gas


  1. Click the button Valve generator ....

    The context menu for selecting the valve type opens.

    Context menu valve generator pump Linear Solutions AutoCAD

  2. Select Pump.

    The Creation of a Pump dialog opens.

    Dialog Creation of pump Linear Solutions AutoCAD

  3. Enter the technical data for the pump in the dialog and click OK.
    The Components dialog opens and the newly created pump is preselected.
  4. In the Components dialog, click on the Details ... button.

    The dialog Item information opens.

  5. In this dialog, add or change the information in the text fields as required, e.g. to define a unique designation.
  6. Optional: Use the Assign from MMD ... button to select an MMD file with technical and graphic data.
    Note: The data from the MMD file overwrites existing data for the selected component.
  7. Close the Item information and Components dialogs by clicking OK.


You have created a user-defined fitting and can now draw and customize it via User components ....