Details on Views (View symbols)
Information on section Views in the command groups of the Tools tab.
In the Views section, you can control the view and display of your 3D drawing with the various buttons.
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3D Views
In this area, the buttons shown below are available for viewing your three-dimensional drawing:
This allows you to select the following views of a three-dimensional drawing: from above, from the left, from the right, from the front, from the back. Isometric view SW, SE, NE, NW
Switches the visual style of the drawing to Wireframe.
Switches the visual style of the drawing to Realistic.
Use this function to adjust the User coordinate system (UCS) of your CAD program to the World setting. The World coordinate system (WCS) cannot be modified. By contrast, the UCS can be freely defined in height and orientation. The reference to the WCS provides clear coordinates and is oriented so that the positive range of the X axis points to the East and the positive range of the Y axis to the North. The positive range of the Z axis is the height axis. Editing the drawing with the UCS on WCS corresponds to the normal floor plan editing from the top view.
UCS to View
A user coordinate system that matches the current view is switched on. Since complete 3D editing in top view alone is hardly possible, you can align your coordinate system to any adjustable view, e.g. to draw or label objects in a front view of your 3D drawing.
Visual style manager
Opens the Visual style manager.