Details on Roof drainage
Information on the functions and commands in the discipline Roof drainage.
In the Roof Drainage discipline, you will find functions and commands for creating a roof drainage network in the three command groups Network Generator, Symbols / Components and Pipes and Fittings on the Create tab.
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Net generator ...
In the Network generator command group you will find the Net generator, which allows you to create calculable roof drainage pipe networks and have them drawn automatically in 3D.
With the Roof assistant you can define a roof area for roof drainage and make presettings for the calculation. Depending on which assistant you are in or which drawing mode you have set, the roof assistant works in floor plan, scheme or 3D mode.
Symbols / Components
In the Symbols / Components command group, in addition to the functions and commands for inserting symbols and components, you will also find assistants for laying out roof drains and fixing technology.
Roof drain ... Opens the dialog Roof drain (Siphonic drainage) where you can design and draw roof drains for roof areas defined with the roof assistant and to insert detailed sketches of these drains into your drawing.
Roof drain (open drainage)...
Automatic fixing...: Opens the Automatic fixing dialog for siphonic drainage systems, which allows you to provide the entire pipe network with fixing elements after the calculation and selection of a suitable pipe material.
Fixings... Opens the Fixing assistant dialog, through which you can provide individual elements of the pipe network with fixings after the calculation and selection of a suitable pipe material.
Pipes and Fittings
In the Pipes and Fittings command group, the general commands for drawing pipes, pipe runs, fittings, etc. are available. In addition, you will find the commands Rigid connection <, Rigid connection 45° < and Connect with flexible hose <, which are used specifically for roof drainage networks.