Details on the Test Commands of the Analyse Tab
Information on the test commands of the Analyse tab in 3D - Model planning.
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Collision check <
Starts the collision check, which provides information on whether and where 3D components (independent of the discipline) collide with each other. The basis for the collision check is the graphical representation of the pipes. The illustration with or without insulation affects the collision check. In case of errors, the Report dialog opens, where you can work through the detected collisions step by step.
The collision check also includes components from external references. If the check process takes too long, the collision check can be aborted by pressing the ESC key. Collisions found up to this point are then displayed in the Reports dialog.
Open ends check <
Starts the check for open ends. If open ends are found, the Reports dialog opens, where you can work through the open ends step by step. The basis for the Open ends check < is the graphical representation of the pipes.
Material assortment check <
If a material manufacturer changes its product portfolio and you reload an existing material table, individual fittings my no longer be available in the current data set. Clicking on this button will start a scan, at the end of which all components that are no longer available in the current data record will be listed.