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Details on Medium

Information on the drop-down list Medium.

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Drop-down list Medium in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

The term medium is used here as a classification term to better differentiate the pipes and other drawing elements in which the various media (e.g. drinking water, waste water) are transported.

Specify the medium for the pipe or duct construction and drawing commands in the Medium section. This way, the drawing elements are assigned to a specific layer. The layers are used to control which drawing elements are visible and printed.

You can start certain commands, such as pipe construction or drawing pipes, only after you have selected a medium, e.g. Hot Water. The different colors indicate which medium was used to draw a pipe. For example, pipe lines with hot water are red and those with cold water are green. The color assignment to a medium is made in the media table.

: Opens the Media table in which you can manage and parameterize all available media and create additional media.

You can use the light bulb icons to control the visibility of the layers assigned to the media. Click on the light bulb icons to activate or deactivate layers.

: The layer is activated and all associated elements are visible.

: The layer is deactivated and the elements of the layer are not visible.