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Details on Storey Options

Information about the dialog Storey options of the scheme generators Heating, Potable water and Gas.

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Project - tabDisciplinePlanning type 2D Scheme PlanningCreate - tabStoreys and GeneratorsScheme Generator, (...)Storey options (Context menu pipe run button/Storey symbol )

Assistants storey options Linear AutoCAD

Heights (for all pipe runs)

Suspended ceiling, Floor construction, Total height

The heights you enter here apply to all pipe runs on the current storey.

Pipe arrangement (in current pipe run)

top, bottom, temperature-optimized, underneath ceiling, above ceiling

You can define the pipe arrangement individually for each pipe run and for each storey. With temperature-optimized pipe arrangement, critical heat transfers are prevented.

Pipe arrangement Construction in the scheme
top, underneath ceiling Scheme heating Linear AutoCAD
top, above ceiling Scheme heating Linear AutoCAD
bottom, underneath ceiling Scheme heating Linear AutoCAD
bottom, above ceiling Scheme heating Linear AutoCAD

Transfer: Allows to transfer the selected pipe arrangement to other pipe runs or storeys. The following options are available for the transfer:

  • to all storeys in current pipe run
  • to all pipe runs in the same storey
  • to all pipe runs and storeys

Ascending pipe run

R-90 pipe partitioning - activated: In the case of wall or ceiling grommets, the ascending pipe run is fitted with a pipe partitioning of fire resistance classification R90.

Transfer: Allows to transfer the R-90 pipe partitioning to other pipe runs or storeys. The following options are available for the transfer:

  • to all storeys in current pipe run
  • to all pipe runs in the same storey
  • to all pipe runs and storeys