Details on the Command BlockVaria, Replace Block, Level and Multiple Origin
Information on the commands BlockVaria, Replace Block, Level and Multiple Origin
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Blockscale <
Blockscale <
This command scales the size of selected blocks in all directions. It is particularly suitable for scaling LINEAR symbols in your drawing when these are already connected to pipes. When executing the BlockVaria < command, these pipes are also moved. This means that when you, for example, want to reduce the size of all symbols on your drawing by half, all pipes will still be correctly connected even after the reduction..
Replace block <
This function allows you very easily replace, for example, all wash stand blocks for LINEAR CAD symbols that you can subsequently use in the LINEAR Analyse programs.
Level out <
This command is used to set the Z coordinate values of all selected drawing elements to a new common Z value.
Multiple explode <
Use this command to resolve nested block definitions in a single step. When resolving objects, the type of the object determines the properties that can be changed, such as layer type, line weight and color. For blocks which contain attributes, the attribute values are deleted and the attribute definitions are displayed.