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Details on the design of 3D pipelines (3D - model planning)

Information about the Pipes command group on the Create tab in the Planning type 3D - Model planning.

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Project tabDisciplinePlanning type 3D - Model planningCreate tabCommand group Pipes

Command group Pipes in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

Construction height

In the Construction height section, you determine the height at which objects are drawn by setting the storey, reference edge and, if necessary, an offset.


Use this drop-down list to select the medium for the drawing and pipe or duct construction commands. Click on to open the Media table, in which you can manage, parameterize all available media and create additional media.


In this section you define the slope for pipes to be constructed.

Draw pipe <

With this command you can draw pipes. The drawing of a pipe can be started in free space, at a free end of a pipe, in relation to a wall/pipe or at the connection of a device/fitting.

Pipeline corridor <

Use the command Pipeline corridor < to draw several parallel pipes at the same time according to the presettings.

Pipe offset <

3D pipes crossing each other or colliding with other objects (like support columns) can be edited afterwards with a pipe offset to fix the collision.

T-piece in pipe <

This command is used to insert a T-piece into an existing pipe.

Connect automatically <

This command is used to connect components. This is done by determining the possible connections from which you can select.

Connect supply/return <

Radiators from the radiator dialog can be automatically connected to 3D pipes. Similar to the Rigid connection command, the symbols here are connected to 3D pipes. The 3D pipes must have already been drawn with the correct media (supply and return) and should be parallel to the radiator.

Connecting hot/cold water <

3D potable water symbols from the symbol library or CAD browser can be automatically connected to 3D pipes, provided you have a connection arrow for 3D pipes. Similar to the Rigid connection command, the symbols here are connected to 3D pipes. The 3D pipes must have already been drawn with the correct media (hot water and cold water) and should be parallel to the symbols.

Connect waste water <

This command allows you to connect consumers such as wash stands, showers or WCs to collector or down pipes. Make sure that all objects are located on their respective layers and that the layers are named according to the set layer key.

T-piece connection <

You have various connection options with this command. After selecting a pipe connection, you can automatically place a T-piece in the appropriate position in the existing pipe. In the Waste water discipline, you can use the command to connect drainage objects to existing 3D waste water pipes. The 3D pipes should be parallel to the symbols.

Adjust component properties <

Depending on the component, opens the Component properties (...) dialog or the product page of the component in the LINEAR CAD Browser. In the Component properties (...) dialog, you can view and edit the material properties of the component, among other things.

Move component <

You can move connected and disconnected components to a different position. If the target position is an open component end, the component can be tied to this end. It is also possible to move AutoCAD component groups using this command.

Rotate component <

With this command you can rotate a component around its own axis or change the installation direction. Whether these two options are offered depends on the component.

Delete component <

You can use this command to delete a component. After starting the command, select the component to be deleted in the drawing. This command only deletes one component at a time.

Screw flanges together <

When screwing together flanges, the number of screws on both sides of the flange is also checked. If the quantities do not match, a warning is issued in the report dialog of the calculation.

Remove flange screws <

Remove the screw connection on flanges with this command.

Divide pipe <

A pipe can be split at a freely selectable point.