Details on 3D Sections/Views
Information on the area 3D Sections/views.
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Z-lower, Z-upper
The height of the bottom or top edge of the 3D section. You can enter the value of the absolute height in mm or click on to define the desired height in the storey table.
Existing section lines
Lists all 3D sections created. The name of the currently selected section can be adjusted in the text field below the area.
Show section line <
Zooms in on the currently selected section in the drawing. This function makes it easier to find sections in complex projects.
Get intersection line <
Activates the pickbox which allows you to select an existing 3D section in the drawing. The selected section is then highlighted in the list of existing section lines.
Create section view <
Places the currently selected 3D section in an open layout.
in scale
Drop-down list for selecting the scale in which the selected section is to be placed in the layout.