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Details on Pipes and Insulations

Information about the Pipes and insulations dialog in the pipe network calculations heating, cooling and potable water.

In this dialog, assign insulation and pipe systems for calculation to pipes. The settings are saved in the project.

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Analyse tabMaterial dataPipes and insulation ...

Applies to: Heating, Cooling, Potable water.

“Pipes and insulation” dialog in LINEAR Solutionsfor Autodes AutoCAD
Note: To fully access all functions, the pipe network needs to be detected. If required, click on Calculation ... in the Analysis tab beforehand ....


Define which materials are to be used for the automatic allocation and calculation of the pipe networks by clicking in the corresponding row. You can either activate automatic positioning or an exchange of the pipe material and insulation taken from the drawing.


List of the available material combinations. In the calculation, the pipes in the drawing are given the material definition of the respective activated category.

The categories Pipe material from model and Insulation from model only contain entries if the corresponding materials were used in the drawing.

Lines/Pipes, Polylines/Flexpipes, Insulation material

In the Lines/pipes column, you specify the material for pipes or ducts drawn with lines. You can assign both rigid and flexible materials here. In the Polylines/Flexpipes column, you specify the material for flexible pipes or pipes drawn with polylines. You can only assign flexible materials here. In the Insulation material column, specify the insulation materials for the pipes or ducts.

Clicking on opens a context menu in all categories (except Standard) with the following options:
  • Select...: Opens the Pipe Tables or Insulation Tables dialog, where you can select the desired manufacturer and material.
  • Reset to default: Replaces the current material selection with the selection of the Standard category. In the Standard category, clicking opens the Pipe Tables dialog.
  • Reset to material from model: Replaces the current material selection with the material originally specified in the drawing.
  • Apply from...: Copies the material selection from one of the other available entries.
  • no insulation: Removes the existing insulation selection.

Buttons of the Dialog




Use this function to manually assign the currently selected material combination to selected section parts in the drawing. Depending on the selected discipline, a number of different filters is available.

Select the pipe type to which you want to assign the selected material combinations.

Pipes context menu Linear

overwrite local settings

Enabled: When assigning the material combination, original or previously made local Material settings are overwritten.

Disabled: When assigning the material combination, original or previously made local material combinations remain unchanged.


Removes an assigned material combination from selected sections in the project and assigns the Standard material combination to the selection. Depending on the selected discipline, a number of different filters is available.

Select at which pipe type the material settings are to be deleted.

Pipes context menu Linear


This command is used to mark the assigned material combination in the table after selecting a pipe.


After the assignment, you can display different properties in the drawing. The pipes are displayed in color and a legend with assigned colors is displayed.

Pipes context menu Linear