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Details on Classify

Information about the Classify dialog in the Pipe and Duct Network Calculation.

Assign the suitable calculation type to the components types, in order for the components in Pipe and Duct Network Calculation to perform the desired function during calculation.

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Project tabDisciplineAnalyse tabComponentsClassify ...Select component

Applies to: Heating, Potable water, Waste water, Ventilation, Cooling, Gas.

Classify dialog in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD


This column displays all the components contained in the selection made.


Number of selected instances of the particular component.

Classify as

Determines the function of the component in the pipe or duct network calculation. When you close the Classify dialog after classification by clicking OK, you can decide in a subsequent dialog whether the classifications made should apply only to the selected components or to all components of this name in the project.

: Opens the Classification dialog where you can assign a calculation type (= component type) with suggested values for the technical data for the calculation of the component.

Show element(s)

If you are not sure which component is meant, select the corresponding row and click Show element(s). The components are then shown in the drawing. Finish the process by Esc.

Load proposals

If your drawing contains components that you have already classified in the past, the classifications can be loaded from the local user file by clicking this button.