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Details on Thermal Bridge Supplement

Information about the Thermal bridge supplement section in the general heat load data of the basis of calculation Switzerland: SN SIA 384/2(2020).

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Module overviewHeat loadProject levelGeneral heat load data

Thermal bridges Linear Building

Global thermal bridge supplements

Standard thermal bridge supplements can be assigned to building components that adjoin the ground, the exterior, or an unheated room.

With global thermal bridge supplements, you can assign supplied or user-defined thermal bridge supplements to components. In the Master tables under Variables (heights, temperatures...)W Thermal bridge supplements, you can edit the supplied thermal bridge supplements and define your own supplements.

Detailed thermal bridge supplements

In detailed thermal bridge supplements, you can assign three different types of length- and point-based thermal bridge supplements with standard Psi or Xi values to building components that are adjacent to the exterior or on an unheated room.

The following types of thermal bridge supplements are available for selection:

  • TBSH... - Thermal bridge supplements horizontal

  • TBSV... - Thermal bridge supplements vertical

  • TBSP... - Thermal bridge supplements punctual

After assigning the detailed thermal bridge supplements, the cell of the ΔU(wb) / ΔPsi column is activated in the table of components at room level. In this column you can correct the assigned Psi or Xi values of thermal bridge supplements if necessary. By making corrections, you can reduce the number of additional variables to be created.