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Details on Find and Replace

Information about Find & Replace dialog.

Find & Replace allows you to search modify specific properties of room components, rooms and radiators. This action is executed on the active level of the building structure.

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Symbol barFind & Replace

Dialog search replace Linear Building

Drop-down list: Category selection

Selection of the category for the exchange process. Entries are available per category for the respective active module and the selected structure level. In the Rooms category, you can filter by room parameters such as room type, volume flow rates or room temperatures. In the Room components (walls, windows, etc.) category component parameters such as U-value, thermal bridge supplement or orientation are available for selection. In the Radiator category can be filtered by reduced capacity. Next to the drop-down list is the structure level at which the modifications will be made.


Table allowing you to set the search criteria for the components you would like to modify. You can combine as many filters as you like. You can create a new line by pressing F5 or by clicking below the last line. Press F6 to delete the current line.

By clicking you have the possibility to copy the contents of the table with or without column heading and paste it into Excel.

&/+: Selection of logical operators for linking the filters (AND/OR).

Filter: Selection of the parameter according to which the selected category should be filtered.

Operator: Selection of the relational operator for the selected filter. Available for selection:








less or equal to


greater or equal






find string


You can enter the value of the filter manually, or click to open a list to select the desired value (if a list is deposited). If, for example, you have selected Ventilation system as the filter, the program will open a list with values such as No mechanical ventilation, Extract air system, etc.


Drop-down list to select the the parameter to be replaced. Except for minor differences, this list is identical to the one from the Filter column in the Search section. Enter the first letter of a parameter you are looking for to jump to the first list entry with this first letter. Entering the same initial letter again will jump to the next list entry with that initial letter.

: If a list of possible values for the selected parameter is deposited, it can be opened here to select the parameter. For example, if you have selected Ventilation system as a parameter, the program opens a list with values such as No mechanical ventilation, Exhaust air system, etc. In addition, the Reset manual changes option is available for parameters that can be adjusted manually. This option can be used to reset manually adjusted values, such as manually overwritten cardinal points, to their determined value.

Text field: You can also enter the parameter manually.

Hit list

Display only modifiable entries: Not all components can be modified. An example are components that are adjacent to outside air: The outside temperature is taken from the general heat load data and cannot be modified for individual components. If activated, this option limits the hit list in the table to such elements that can be modified.

The columns of the table:




For components: Storey/room/and component number, room name ( in brackets), component code, orientation, dimensions.

For rooms: Storey and room number, room name

Filter 1...n

Indicates the current value of the parameters filtered for in the Search section

current value

Indicates the current value of the parameter you selected in Replace. You can also edit individual value manually.


Disabled: Element is excluded from the Find & Replace operation.


Filterlist in protocol < Transfers the hit list to the output window of the log. Individual elements can then be located in the project with a mouse click and edited as required.

Delete element: Deletes all activated elements of the hit list from the project. Prior to deletion, a query is made for confirmation.

Replace values: Replaces the parameter defined at Replace for all activated hits. The number of modified elements is then displayed.


Keep in mind that elements can be used in several modules and modified parameters of these elements can then affect other modules as well. For example, U-values are used for heat and cooling load calculations.

Quit: Closes the dialog.