Details on Layer Key
Information on the Layer- Key dialog of the Configuration.
In this dialog, you can view and adjust the used layer key.
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(Layer management)

The number of variables used defines the maximum number of characters for the layer abbreviations in tables for storeys, systems, trades, components, media and partitions.
Please note that each additional variable in the layer key also creates additional new layers when drawing. This can quickly become complex in layer management. It is therefore recommended that you only use the variables that you really need.
The variables for trade (G), component (K) and medium (M) must not be removed.
Changed layer keys are saved in the current drawing.
If you have created a system in 3D model planning, you can use the Create assembly plan < command to automatically generate detailed plans from the individual systems (assemblies). This requires the 3D pipes and components to be located on layers that contain a layer abbreviation for spools/sections (Partition) and systems.
If systems are included in the layer key and you use “no system” with the layer abbreviation .., the system abbreviation should not be at the end because this can lead to impairment of the building detection.
When creating a new drawing, a number of specifications and presettings are automatically transferred to the new drawing with the selected template file (.dwt file) and saved with it. These specifications also include a layer key. To avoid having to change the layer key in a new drawing every time, you can also change it in the template file.
When opening a drawing that does not contain a layer key, the last layer key used is automatically set in the configuration.