Details about the Footer of the Control Board
Information about the footer of the control board.
The footer of the control board offers you different functions depending on which discipline or planning type is selected and on which tab you have selected.
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LINEAR Properties
Opens the LINEAR- Properties dialog that displays the component parameters of the elements currently selected in the drawing with their parameter values. If necessary, you can adjust the parameter values via this dialog.
Opens the QuickLayer dialog where you can conveniently manage the layers of your project.
Select components with layer structure filter
Opens the Select components with filter dialog, in which you can filter components according to certain criteria, e.g. in order to edit them together.
Select pipeline or duct sections
The command allows you to select sections of pipe or duct networks comfortably and quickly in the planning type 3D - Model planning. After activating the command, you can choose between the following options by clicking in the command line or by entering the initial letter followed by confirmation:
Option | Description |
Path | You can select the complete path between the two components by specifying a start and end component. |
Network | You can select the complete network side of a network from the start component by specifying a start component and then selecting a component on the corresponding side of the network. |
Opens the Reports dialog where you can find all messages (reports) that have occurred in the current drawing so far.
Delete report symbols
Removes all report symbols from the drawing.
Activate/deactivate construction layer
A separate, magenta-colored construction layer is automatically created and activated with a click. You can draw auxiliary constructions on this layer. Another click deactivates the construction layer and activates the last used layer.
Empty construction layer
Deletes the content of the construction layer.
Opens the Configuration dialog to set basic pre-settings for the program.
Context help
Starts the context-sensitive help. A question mark at the cursor indicates that the context-sensitive help has been started. A subsequent click on a UI element opens the corresponding help page. F1 also opens the corresponding page of the LINEAR help pages.
Opens the following context menu:

Here you can get information about new features and use of the software, view and add to the data set and program licenses, start the latest program update or manage custom files such as label and print layouts.
Menu item | Description |
Open Help... | Opens the LINEAR help, where you can find instructions on standard tasks and information about the program interface. |
E-Learning... | Opens the LINEAR E-learning platform that offers courses on how to use the various LINEAR software solutions and a forum for exchange. |
What’s new | Opens the LINEAR web page with information about new features of the latest program versions. |
Propose feature ... | Opens the LINEAR Idea channel. The Idea Channel is a customer portal where you can submit suggestions for improvements in the software and vote for suggestions already listed. |
Installation Center... | Opens the LINEAR Installation Center, where you can install software packages, software updates, manufacturer datasets, and sample projects. Sample projects from the LINEAR Installation Center are saved under the following path: C:\Users\”user_name”\Documents\LINEAR\Sample Projects\…. If the initial installation of LINEAR Solutions for AutoCAD has been performed with an older version than V 24.0, the project original directory path is C:\User\Public\LINEAR Projects\AutoCAD\. In this path, sample projects were automatically installed during the installation. If you install further sample projects via the LINEAR Installation Center, they are stored in the following path: C:\User\”Username”\Documents\LINEAR\Sample Projects\... |
Remote support... | Starts the remote support for LINEAR support. |
Program licenses... | Opens the Program licenses dialog, where you can activate or deactivate licensed modules of the software locally. |
Program info... | Opens the Program Info dialog, which displays the current version of the software, currently loaded modules and contact information for LINEAR. Note: If warnings are also displayed in the Program Info dialog (e.g. "Files too old" or "Files too new"), , this indicates that an installation was not performed correctly. In this case, close all programs and run the update again. If the message still appears, please contact the LINEAR support. |