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Details on LINEAR Properties

Information about the dialog LINEAR Properties in AutoCAD.

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LINEAR Properties in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD


There are two drop-down lists above the table with the properties. You can use the first list to specify whether all properties and therefore all parameters of the selected components or only parameters of a specific information level are displayed. You can assign parameters to information levels in the Parameter Manager.

: Opens Parameter management, which lists all LINEAR parameters and parameter sets and allows you to edit them.

In the second drop-down list above the table, all selected components can be grouped by component class. For example, in the case of a rough selection, you can display only the properties of the rooms contained in the selection. If you have made a specific selection in the model beforehand, you can select the All component classes option in the drop-down list to display only the common properties of all selected components. As soon as a large number of components is selected, a button appears in the properties dialog with the text View properties of [n] parts, where [n] is the number of parts found in the current selection. Clicking this button reads the properties of all selected parts; for large quantities this process may take several seconds.

The values of the properties can be adjusted manually in the properties dialog. If the value of a parameter is changed by the user, it is then displayed in bold.

Parameters can be displayed in light gray font color or in standard font color. You can overwrite parameters without losing the original value, as it is preserved in the background and still used for its original purpose. Delete changed values of parameters in light gray and leave the field to restore the original value. When overwriting parameters displayed in light gray, the newly entered value is only used for documentation and output purposes. If, for example, you change the nominal width of a pipe section, the changed nominal width is used in labels, AutoCAD tables, exported Excel workbooks, etc. However, the original value from the calculation is not changed. The pipe section is still considered in the calculation with its original nominal width.

For parameters displayed in standard colored, on the other hand, you change the original value. If, for example, you assign a different layer to a component, this component will actually be moved to the layer in the project.

When a property or its value is selected, the field at the bottom of the dialog shows the name of the property and ID of the associated parameter (variable name). By clicking on the name of the property in the upper table, you can copy the ID of the associated parameter to the clipboard. The parameter ID is saved pre-formatted for insertion in labels in a multi-line text object (MText). The copying process is confirmed with a message, which can also be disabled for the rest of the day if required.

View properties

If no elements are selected in the drawing, the properties of the current view are displayed. At this point you can set the Scale and Drawing unit of the current view. If a layout view port is active, the scale set by the zoom is displayed.

Properties of the selection

When an element is selected, all available properties of the selected element are displayed. The drop-down list above the table shows the component class and the number of components. After a pipe/duct network calculation, calculation-relevant data is also displayed in the properties dialog.

If several elements are selected, the common properties of the selected elements are displayed. Properties with different values have the value *varying*, in case of identical values the value read from the component is displayed. With a multiple selection, the property values of many components of a component class can be changed quickly and easily at once, such as the volume flow of all air outlets of a room.