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About the Create Tab

Explains the concept of the Create tab.

Generate tab in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk control board. AutoCAD

The Create tab provides AutoCAD tools for creating and editing pipe or duct networks in addition to the usual LINEAR commands and functions. The tools displayed are discipline-specific and can be controlled by selecting the desired discipline on the General tab.

LINEAR-proprietary tools are, for example, the pipe-run function or the automatic solution of collisions: You can create automatically a pipeline corridor in the desired configuration on the basis of a constructed pipe or duct. Open ends and components can be automatically connected. With the Pipe offset <, collisions can be solved by choosing from different variants.

Depending on which Planning type and, if applicable, which discipline is active, the commands and tools are divided into different command groups.

Table 1. Command Groups of the Planning Types
Command GroupDescription

Storeys and generators

The Storeys and generators command group is available only in the planning type 2D - Scheme Planning and includes, in addition to the storeys commands and functions, the generators for creating pipe schemes.

Storeys and Axes

The Storeys and Axes command group is available only in the planning types 3D - IFC-Link Workflow, 3D - IFC-Import Workflow, 2.5D Model Planning, 3D Model Planning and 2D Floor planning of the discipline Architecture.

In the context of the IFC Import Workflow, the group contains the IFC Architecture Import ... and commands to prepare the building model generated by the import.

In the context of 2D Drawing, 2.5D and 3D Model Planning, the group contains commands for editing floors and their contents and for configuring and creating axis systems.

Symbols / Components

The Symbols / Components command group is available in the planning types 3D - Floor Plan, 2D - Floor Plan and 2D - Scheme Planning.

In addition to numerous editing commands, the group contains the command for placing symbols and, if necessary, discipline-specific component commands for e.g. radiators, dwelling stations and hydraulic circuits in the discipline Heating.

Pipes and Fittings

The Pipes and Fittings command group is available for the planning types 3D - Floor Plan, 2D - Floor Plan and 2D - Scheme Planning.

The group contains all the commands required for the respective discipline regarding the drawing and editing of pipes and fittings.


The command group Components is only available in the planning type 3D - Model planning.

In addition to access to the LINEAR CAD Browser, the group contains various generators for individual configuration of e.g. manifolds and valves. Furthermore, you can open the wizard for fresh water and dwelling stations and the area for compiling your own component collections. The commands for creating and editing component connections of your own components are also located in this group.


The command group Pipes is only available in the planning type 3D - Model planning.

The group contains all functions for drawing and editing pipes and pipe runs.

Walls, Windows, Doors

The Walls, Windows, Doors command group is available only in the planning type 3D - IFC Import Workflow and includes, among others, commands for creating walls, windows, doors and openings.

Walls, Ceilings, Columns

The Walls, Ceilings, Columns command group is available only in the planning types 2.5D - Model Planning and 3D - Model Planning of the discipline Architecture.

The group contains commands for creating walls, ceilings, columns, beams and foundations, among others.

Windows, Doors

The Window, Doors command group is available only for the planning types 2.5D - Model Planning and 3D - Model Planning of the discipline Architecture.

The group contains commands for creating windows, doors and openings.

Room and Building Contours

The Room and Building Contours command group is available only for the planning types 2.5D - Model Planning and 3D - Model Planning of the discipline Architecture.

The group contains commands for editing contours and for loading and aligning underlays.

Steel construction

The Steel Construction command group is available only for the planning types 2.5D - Model Planning and 3D - Model Planning of the discipline Architecture.

The group contains commands for creating steel construction elements.

Storeys and Rooms

The Storeys and Rooms command group is available only in the discipline Panel heating/cooling and contains commands needed for preparing the drawing of surface tempering.


The Draw command group is only available in the discipline Panel Heating/Cooling and contains commands needed to draw panel heating/cooling systems.


The Edit command group is available only in the discipline Panel heating/cooling and contains commands that allow editing of panel heating/cooling systems that have already been drawn.