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Edit Room Label

Shows step-by-step how to edit room labels.

Before you begin

You want to edit the room label in your drawing.

Navigate to:

Drawing area

Applies to all disciplines.


  1. Double-click on a line of the room label.

    The Advanced attribute editor dialog opens.

    AutoCAD- dialog “Advanced attribute editor”
  2. Select the row of the attribute you want to edit and enter the new value in the Value input field.
  3. If necessary, switch to the Text options tab to specify a different text style for the display of the attribute or to adjust other options relating to the text formatting of the value.
  4. If you wish, switch to the Properties tab to assign the value of the attribute to another layer or to adjust the line type, line thickness or color used.
  5. Click on Apply to save your changes.
  6. If necessary, repeat the previous steps for other room label attributes.
  7. If you wish, use the Select block button to select another room label from the drawing for editing.
  8. Close the dialog with OK.


You have edited room labels and updated them in your drawing.