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Placing Multi-Line Texts

Shows step-by-step how to place multi-line texts in your drawing.

Before you begin

You want to place multi-line texts in your drawing.

Navigate to:

“Labeling and Output” tabCommand group “Label drawing”

Applies to all disciplines.

Command “Label drawing” in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD


  1. Click on Multiline text <.
  2. Click in the drawing to define the insertion point for the first corner of the text area.
    The insertion point of the top left corner of the text area is fixed. A frame appears to define the preliminary size of the text field.
  3. Use the mouse to set the preliminary size of the text field and click to confirm.

    After entering the text, the size of the text area automatically adjusts to the size required to display the entire text. You can manually adjust the size of the text during text entry, for example to create more space for working with tabs.

    The following bar for entering text and inserting tabs opens:

    Bar for entering text in the fields available for the LINEAR Solutions of Autodesk AutoCAD
  4. Enter the desired text.
  5. If necessary, specify the required tab type by clicking on the area to the left of the ruler and insert tabs at the desired positions by clicking on the ruler.
  6. Click outside the text input bar to end the input.
    The text input bar is hidden and the text is added to the drawing.
    Tip: Double-click on a multi-line text to return to text input mode.


You have placed a multi-line text into your drawing.