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Dimensioning with Cutting Plane Line

Shows step-by-step how to create a horizontal dimension chain using selected cutting plane points on a cutting plane line.

Before you begin

For example, you want to create a horizontal dimension chain for a house wall using a cutting plane line and selected cutting plane points.

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Labeling and Output tabDimensioning

Applies to all disciplines.

Command group Dimensioning in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD


  1. Click on to open the list of available dimensioning styles and select the desired style for the dimension chain.
  2. Click on Cutting plane line <.
  3. In the drawing, click to define the points of the cutting plane line one after the other.
    All points at which the cutting plane line intersects an object are included in the dimension chain and marked with a yellow circle.
  4. Finish defining the cutting plane points by right-clicking.
  5. If necessary, add further cutting plane points or delete existing points in the dimension chain.
  6. Finish the process with a second right-click.
  7. Use the mouse to show the position of the dimension chain.


The dimension chain was created with all the required cutting plane points.