Translation details .../ Translate texts
Information about the button Translation ... button and the corresponding dialog Translate texts.
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The terms to be replaced and their translations are provided in dictionaries (wordbooks) in the form of Excel tables, which can be found in the program directory under the following path: …\CAD\TGA Desktop\User-standards\Tools.
If your software is from another manufacturer, you will find the Wordbooks in the program directory under : …\ TGA Desktop\User-Standards\Tools
You can customize this Wordbooks, save them under a different name and select them in the Word book files (MS Excel format) section. This allows you to create additional dictionaries for other languages if needed.
Manually, Automatically in current drawing, all objects
Defines if the text objects to be translated have to be selected individually or if the translation should be applied automatically in the current drawing. If you deactivate the Automatically in current drawing option all objects, you can specify an area in the drawing whose text objects are to be translated.
File batch
Enables batch processing. To do this, enter the path of the folder with the drawings to be translated or click and navigate to the corresponding folder.
Overwrite texts, Copy and relocate to
Defines if the text to be translated should be replaced (Overwrite texts) or the new text should be inserted into the drawing as a new object (Copy and relocate to). If you use the Copy and relocate to option in Automatically in current drawing, the new text can optionally be automatically inserted above (Above) or below (Below) the old text. Using the manual option, you may define the position of the new text yourself.
Change style to
You can use this function to change the text style of the terms to be translated. Click on to select a template file (*.dwt) containing the desired text style in the displayed dialog. The text styles of the template file are then offered for selection in the drop-down list.
Enabled: The text style of the terms to be translated is changed to the set text style during translation.
Wordbook files (MS Excel format)
Defines the dictionary file (wordbook) used for the translation. Enter the path of the file or click and navigate to the corresponding file. Use
to open and edit the wordbook file specified in the Path field.