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Details on Further Commands in the Dimensioning Command Group

Information about other commands of the command group Dimensioning.

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Labeling and Output tabDimensioning

Command group Dimensioning in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

Dimensioning styles ...

Click on Dimensioning styles ... to open the Dimensioning styles: dialog ..., where you can edit existing dimensioning styles or add new ones.

Click on to open the list with the available dimensioning styles. The selected dimensioning style is used for all commands in this group.

Point entry horizontal <, Point entry vertically <, Point entry aligned <

Allows you to draw dimension chains. The procedure of dimensioning by point entry is always the same for the three variants horizontal, vertical and aligned and only differs in the alignment of the dimensions and the dimension chain.

Pick up two points in your drawing and determine the location of the dimension chain. The dimension (measured horizontally, vertically or along a previously defined line) is then automatically written to the dimension chain. After that you have the possibility to add more points to the same dimensional chain. Set the unit of measurement and font sizes necessary beforehand under Dimension styles.

Dimension entry <

With this dimensioning you determine the first point of the dimensional chain. The length of the dimension chain is defined via the dimension entry. Set the unit of measurement and font sizes necessary beforehand under Dimension styles.

Intersection line <

This command creates a horizontal dimension chain based on intersection points of the intersection line with the objects to be dimensioned. For example, you can dimension the walll of a house. For the dimension chain, a section line is drawn through the objects to be dimensioned. The intersection line can have several support points, so that you can omit or specifically include certain objects. Set the unit of measurement and font sizes necessary beforehand under Dimension styles.

Angle dimensioning <

Use this command to label angles in your drawing. After starting the command, you can click on a point on each leg of the angle to enter the angle measure yourself or accept the proposed value. Set the unit of measurement and font sizes necessary beforehand under Dimension styles.

Automatic (3D objects) <

This automatic length labeling was developed for 3D pipes in layout. The settings from the dialog Dimensioning styles: ... are used for this. You can choose between the length dimension and the axis dimension of the tube. The labels are placed directly next to the pipeline depending on the view currently set.

Edit dimension text <

This command allows you to change the length dimension and add an opening dimension.

Explode dimensions <

The dimension elements are grouped. You can recognize the group by the fact that dimension lines and font are both marked when you click on them. You can use this command ungroup them.

After resolving the dimensioning, all dimensioning elements can be selected individually. All dimensions of the entire drawing are resolved. If you want to resolve individual dimensions, use the AutoCAD Explode command from the Modify group on the Home tab of the AutoCAD ribbon.