Error Message: This License File is too New.
You cannot import your license file because the file is too new.

The error message occurs if the order of the license files has not been followed.
You sent us a fingerprint (.c2v license file) and you will receive your first .linlic license file from us. The number in brackets indicates the number of licenses (always starting at 0).

Then you will receive the next license file, which you do not import.

At a later time you receive another license file. In this case with a (2).

If you now import the license file with the (2), you will get the error message shown above, because you did not import the license file with the (1).
For a clean licensing, the order of the license files has to be strictly followed.
You can solve the error by importing the license files in the correct order. In the case of the example, first the license file (1) has to be loaded and then the license file (2).
For each successful licensing you will receive the following note.

If you are missing a license file, please contact our support.