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Details on Settings

Information on the settings dialog for the LINEAR Installation Center.

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LINEAR Installation CenterExtrasSettings

Program mode



Search for installations on the Web

Use this mode to install software packages, updates and datasets from the LINEAR erver directly on your computer. When installing software updates, the LINEAR Installation Center nly displays updates of modules that are already installed, but not the LINEAR olutions program packages.

Search for installations in the company network

Use this mode to install software packages, updates and datasets on your computer from the company network. When installing software updates, the LINEAR Installation Center nly displays updates of modules that are already installed, but not the LINEAR olutions program packages.

Deploy installations in the company network (administrator mode)

Use this mode to download software packages, software updates and data sets to your company network. This is useful, for example, if the clients do not have iternet access or the direct installation on these clients is not desired. The clients can then install or update the software or datasets from the company network. A LINEAR customer account is required for downloading datasets.

Download directory / directory in the company network

In the program mode Search for installations in the company network specifies the directory in the company network from which a client can install downloaded software packages, software updates or datasets. In the program mode Provide installations in the company network (administrator mode) this setting specifies the directory where the LINEAR Installation Center stores the download of software packages, software updates or data sets. If you want to install a software package, which is already stored in the download directory, from the LINEAR server in the program mode Search the web for installations, then this package will be installed from the download directory instead of the LINEAR server.


Opens the dialog in which you determine the download directory for the download from the LINEAR server or perform an installation from the clients from the company network.

Proxy server

Specifies the settings for accessing the LINEAR server via a proxy server.

Use Windows Internet Options

Uses the settings made in the Windows Internet Options to access the LINEAR server via a proxy server.

Use proxy server

Uses a proxy server for the connection with the LINEAR server.


Specifies the address of the proxy server.


Specifies the port of the proxy server.

Use Windows logon information

Uses the user data of the currently logged on user for authentication on the proxy server. If you disable this setting, you must enter the logon information manually.

User name

Specifies the user name for the Windows logon.


Specifies the password for the Windows logon.



Switches the region for which software packages, software updates and datasets are provided.


Changes the language of the LINEAR Installation Center.


A change of program mode, region or language requires a restart of the LINEAR Installation Center Installation Center.