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Details on Rain Fall Rate in the Settings Waste Water

Information about the Rain fall rate tab in the Settings dialog in the Waste Water Pipe Network Calculation.

In this tab, specify all settings regarding the rainfall rate that is to be used for rain drainage. The settings are saved with the project.

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AssistantsTrade / Drawing typeCalculationSettings...Rainfall rate


Opens the software KOSTRA-DWD to determine the rainfall rate for the desired location. Prerequisite is a working installation of the software. The software KOSTRA-DWD is available from the Deutscher Wetterdienst.

The interface to KOSTRA is only supported for the KOSTRA 2000 version. The KOSTRA 2010 version does not include an interface. For both program versions the XML import can be used


If you exported an XML-file from KOSTRA, you can load this file using the button +KOSTRA-XML and use its rainfall rates.

Drop-down list location selection

Select the location whose rainfall rate you want to use. The locations available come from the selected rainfall rate-file. If no rainfall rate-file has yet been loaded, use the command Load/edit rainfall rate file....

Alternatively, you can enter your own location, which will be saved only in the current project.

Load/edit rainfall rate file...

Opens the Calculation rainfall rate dialog where you can create, save and load your own rainfall rate file.

Table rainfall rate for selected location

The fields r5,2; r5,5; r15,2; r5,30; r15,30 and r5,100 show the current rainfall rates that will be used for calculation. If a rainfall rate-file has been loaded, these fields will be filled with data from the selected file. If these values get edited, they will be saved only in the project, not in the rainfall rate file.

Calculated rainfall rate, Open area rainfall rate, Over-five-minute-long rainfall rate

These values are the calculation basis for the dimensioning of rainwater pipes. The fields are filled using default values. You can select or enter any other value.

Consider over-five-minute-long rainfall minus reference rainfall/Consider over-five-minute-long rainfall in full

Depending on the selected method for siphonic drainage, it is automatically set here whether the over-five-minutes-long rainfall should be taken into account in full or minus reference rainfall. You can select the other option manually.