Details on Siphonic Drainage in the Settings Waste Water
Information about the tab Siphonic drainage in the Settings dialog of the pipe network calculation waste water.
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Methods and Limit values
Drop-down list for selecting the method for calculating the siphonic drainage. Depending on the selected method, certain limit values are specified by the standard. These values are deactivated and cannot be changed. Selecting the general method, all options are available.
Checking the start-up constraint starting from down pipe length
The length from which on a vertical pipe is supposed to be defined as a down pipe. Depending on the selected method, the system checks whether all down pipes meet the start-up condition.
The start-up condition from DIN 1986-100 specifies that a certain internal pipe diameter for down pipes may not be exceeded. This is to ensure the proper operation of the down pipe.
Permissible residual pressure deviation
Depending on the selected calculation method, you can specify the percentage or absolute deviation from the permissible residual pressure here. If the specified value is exceeded, a corresponding error message is displayed in the reports of the calculation.
Other settings
Option | Explanation |
Zeta Values | Enabled: If stored by the selected manufacturer, real, measured zeta values are used for the calculation. If no values are defined, zeta values from the standard are used. Disabled: Zeta values from the standard are used in the calculation. |
Dimension towards positive residual pressure if possible | Enabled: Setting this option active will dimension the drains in such a way that the particular volume flow rate of each drain is at least equal to the previously dimensioned volume flow rate. This is done in order to dimension those drains that are predominantly located in local troughs (sinks). |
Apply alternative drain outlet capacity | Enabled: If stored by the selected manufacturer, the values for alternative drainage capacities are used in the calculation of the siphonic drainage. |
Display nominal diameter changes graphically | Enabled: Changes of nominal diameter in the drawing are shown graphically. |
Color/Symbol factor | If the graphical display of changes of nominal diameter is activated, you can define the color and the symbol factor here. |
Transfer to open drainage
Maximum from Q(targ) and Q(act)
The target volume flow rate is compared to the actual volume flow rate. The higher value of both will be transferred to the open drainage system that is connected behind.
Only Q(targ)
The target volume flow rate will be transferred to the open drainage system.