Details on Tables of Insulation
Information about the Tables of insulation dialog in the Pipe and Duct Network Calculations or on the General tab.
Insulation tables are the basis for calculating heat losses for pipe and duct networks and are used when creating parts lists. Insulation materials are assigned to pipes and ducts in the project.
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Applies to: Heating, Cooling, Potable water, Waste water.

Element | Description |
Manufacturer | Neutral systems are available for selection under LINEAR Neutral systems and by choosing user-defined or User-defined insulation you can create user-defined insulation. The input for user-defined tables of insulation is automatically saved in an external file. Furthermore, manufacturer insulation materials can be added by installing appropriate manufacturer datasets. |
Product range | All product groups, products and product versions or insulation series contained in the selected manufacturer data set or created as user-defined insulations are available for selection here. |
+ | Creates new product groups, products and product versions or insulation series for user-defined insulation. The button is activated only for user-defined tables of insulations. |
- | Removes product groups, products and product versions or insulation series from user-defined insulations. The button is activated only for user-defined tables of insulations. |
… | Renames a product groups, a product or a product version or insulation series for user-defined insulation. The button is activated only for user-defined tables of insulations. |
Insulation series | For the insulation series GEG 50 %, GEG 100 % and GEG 200 %, the insulation materials are offered in different thicknesses for the individual external pipe diameters. Some insulation series have a fixed insulation thickness. |
Product link | If the manufacturer has provided a corresponding link, you get to the website of the selected product via mouse click. |
Active | Only activated external pipe dimensions are considered for the assignment of insulation material. You can explicitly exclude certain dimensions from being used by deactivating them. In this case, no insulation materials are used for these external pipe diameters. |
Max dE | Maximum external diameter of the pipe. Pipes up to this diameter will be insulated by the insulation. |
Insulation thickness | Insulation thickness fr the selected external pipe diameter. |
Lambda | Thermal conductivity for the selected external pipe diameter with selected insulation thickness. |
Material type | For user-defined insulation you can choose between panel and tube. |
Item No. | For manufacturer-specific insulation the item number is displayed. |
<< Details, | Shows or hides the lower table of articles. |