Details on Technical Data for Partial Network Start
Information about the dialog for component data for the partial network start.
The partial network start has a connector point which can be connected to existing pipes.
In previous program versions, the connection of a partial network with a partial network start to partial network ends of the main network was only possible to a limited extent, namely for hot water pipes and cold water pipes, yet not for circulation pipes. Now, the circulation as well may be connected with partial network starts and partial network ends. A partial network start however, may be connected to only one partial network end (1:1 connection). It is not possible to have a 1:n connection, i.e. a connection where a partial network start is connected to several partial network ends, for example in order to draw a bathroom only once in apartment construction so it can be multiply connected in the storeys. Once the partial network starts are connected to partial network ends, no further entries except specification of the name are possible. Here, only those calculated data are displayed which will be passed on at this point.
A partial network start may also be used without connection as a network start, i.e. as a house service connection. In this case you may specify the minimum pressure of the water distribution company in the Pressure specification field.
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Specifies the name of the component. You can modify the name. Clicking restores the default setting.
Calculate: The option Calculate prompts the program to calculate the required supply pressure to supply this part part of the potable water pipe network and, if needed, hands the information to a connected partial network end.
Supply pressure: If you use the partial network start as a house service connection, then deactivate the Calculate option and enter the value predefined by your water distribution company in the Pressure specification field.
Data: In this section, the calculated data ΣVR for the sum of the flow rates Cold water and Hot water, the continuous flow rates Cold and Hot water, and the peak flow rate are displayed. It is not possible to enter or modify the data here.
System name: Here you may enter a name which is available as an option to select under Connect in the technical data dialog of the partial network start. This helps to keep a good overview if several partial network starts and partial network ends, which are connected to each other, are present in one drawing.
Linked partial network ends: If a partial network start has been linked to a partial network end, the name of the linked partial network end is displayed here. Click , zooms in the linked partial network end in the drawing.