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Details on the Calculation Dialog for Ventilation

Information about the Duct network calculation dialog.

The calculation dialog shows an overview of the detected pipe duct and contains all commands necessary for the calculation.

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AssistantsVentilation / Drawing typeCalculationCalculation

Commands for the calculation

The commands in the upper part of the calculation dialog refer to the entire pipe duct.




If the project contains several systems or partial networks you may determine which of the systems or partial network to display in the calculation dialog’s tables. You can use the drop-down list Systems to filter the selection by external or room-side systems.

This button will open the dialog for technical data of the initial component. Here, you can change the system name shown in the drop-down list.


Initiate the calculation of the pipe network after having made changes to see current calculation results. If you have activated the Recalculate after editing checkbox in the Settings dialog, the calculation is automatically performed again after each editing of section parts or components.


This command displays properties and calculation results of the pipe network in color in the drawing.


Displays additional information regarding the pipe network and an overview of the calculation results, which also are part of the printouts.


Displays an overview of notes and errors that occurred during calculation. The color of the button helps differentiate between notes and errors:

white: No notes or errors.

orange: There are notes on the calculation.

red: There are errors in the calculation.


It is recommended to always carefully read the reports to correct errors in the drawing and ensure a proper calculation.


Label components and section parts with calculation results.

Refresh <

If components or section parts have already been labeled and calculation results have changed retrospectively, this button will refresh all labels with current data.

Pressure losses, Sound

With these buttons you switch between the results of the pressure loss calculation and the sound level calculation. The table for flow paths displays pressure losses or the results of sound level calculation, respectively.

Commands for the tables

Similar commands are available in the Flow paths, Section parts and Componentssections.



Lock/Unlock section parts

Opens the dialog in which you define or solve the dimensioning of all components of the selected system, the selected flow path or the selected section part. Locked dimensions are shown in bold in columns a, b or d and are not changed during dimensioning. The calculation determines the pressure losses, and the upstream dimensioning determines the dimensions of the duct sections, depending on the set boundary conditions.

Maximize list

The tables of flow paths, section parts and ventilation section parts can be enlarged over the entire calculation dialog. The other tables are hidden.

Minimize list

Reduces a maximized table. The other tables are displayed again.

Search <

The command is available in the Flow paths, Section parts and Components sections. After clicking Search < select the element in the drawing. The respective table then highlights the flow path, the section part or the component.

If a certain flow path number, a section part number or a component number needs to be found, enter the number into the text field and click Search <. The respective table then highlights the flow path, the section part or the component.


The command is available in the Flow paths, Section parts and Components sections. First, select the element from the table and click Show. The flow path, the section part or the component is shown in the drawing.


The command is available in the Flow paths, Section parts and Components sections. First, select the element in the table and click Edit.... The dialog for editing components or section parts is opened.


The command is available in section Section parts.

Opens the dialog Define section parts. With this command you can assign different properties to multiple or all section parts at the same time.

edit in drawing <

The command is available in the Section part, and Components sections. After clicking edit in drawing <, select the element in the drawing. The dialog for editing components or section parts is opened.

Flow paths, section parts, components

The tables contain all flow paths, section parts and components of the calculated duct network. The Flow Paths table shows all flow paths present in the calculated duct network. The Section parts table shows the section parts of the flow path selected under flow paths. The Components table shows all components contained in the selected section part.

Adjust nominal diameters

If the calculated nominal diameters deviate from those drawn, you can transfer the calculated nominal diameters to the drawing. You can adjust the nominal diameters for the entire network or for partial networks.