Details on Dimensioning in Basic Conditions
Information about the section Dimensioning in the Basic conditions dialog in the Heating Pipe Network Calculation.
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Applies to: Heating and Cooling.

Select if the calculation process is supposed be carried out according to maximum velocity, maximum pipe friction pressure gradient or maximum pipe friction pressure gradient dependent on the nominal diameter. The maximum velocity and the maximum pipe friction pressure gradient may be used at the same time.
If dimensioning is done according to maximum velocity and maximum pipe friction pressure gradient and one of the limit values is exceeded in a section part, the program automatically selects the next greater dimension.
If you have assigned other limit values for maximum velocity and maximum pipe friction pressure gradient to a section using the Edit section or Define section command, these individual limit values take precedence over the settings in the Basic Conditions dialog.
Maximum velocity
Activated: During dimensioning, limit values from the fields Maximum velocity and Maximum velocity in radiator connection pipes is used. The limit value Maximum velocity is valid for all section parts except for radiator connection pipes. If the limit value for maximum velocity is exceeded in one section part, the next greater dimension is selected by the program.
Deactivated: Dimensioning is carried out considering only pipe friction pressure gradients.
Maximum velocity in radiator connection pipes
Enter a separate limit value for maximum velocity in radiator connection pipes. It will be used if the checkbox Maximum velocity is active. If the limit value for maximum velocity is exceeded in a radiator connection pipe, the next greater dimension is selected by the program.
Maximum pipe friction pressure gradient
Activated: During dimensioning, the provided limit value for maximum pipe friction pressure gradient is used.
Maximum pipe friction pressure gradient dependent on the nom. diameter
Activated: In the fields from DN and to DN, enter the nominal diameter range, within which the maximum pipe friction pressure gradient is valid.
Global pressure loss for fittings and joining pieces
The percentage of pipe pressure loss used to calculate pressure losses for fittings and jointing pieces. If 0 % is entered, the zeta values of the constructed form and connection pieces are used in the drawing.