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Defining Rooms as Unheated

Shows step-by-step how to define a room in your project as unheated.

Before you begin

There are rooms in your project that are not heated. No heat load should be calculated for these rooms.

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Any structural level of your project can be defined as unheated. If components in unheated rooms are adjacent to heated rooms, they are included in the calculation of the corresponding adjacent room with a temperature correction factor or with the temperature of the unheated room.

Module overviewHeat loadRoom level


  1. Deactivate the heat load calculation for this room in the checkbox next to Transmission.
  2. Check and, if necessary, correct the temperature or the Temperature correction factor in the unheated condition.


The room is defined as unheated. No heat load is calculated for this room and the temperature or correction factor is transferred to adjacent building components for the calculation of transmission.