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Configuring Correction Factors

Shows step-by-step how to set the Beta 1 and Beta 2 correction factors project wide.

Before you begin

You would like to multiply the calculated standard heat load project-wide by the correction factors β1 and β2 to take into account the conditions of your project.

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Both correction factors can also be specifically entered at room level if required.

Module overviewHeat loadProject levelCorrection factors


  1. Click next to β1.

    The Factor for additional heat loss of heating devices acc. to contruction type dialog opens.

  2. Select a suitable entry from the list and confirm your selection with OK.
  3. Enter the desired value for β2.

    You can enter a number between 1 and 2.


The correction factors are entered and multiplied by the standard heat load. The result display shows the additional loads due to the correction factors.