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Creating Use Profile

Shows step-by-step how to create a use profile.

Before you begin

Over the course of the day, you want to depict when and with what intensity an internal load is to be taken into account in the calculation. To this end, you can create use profiles.

Navigate to:

Module overviewCooling load dynamicProject levelUse profile sets


  1. Click in an empty row in the table and enter a name for the profile set in the Set Name column.
  2. In the WD column, click .

    The Edit use profile dialog opens.

  3. Activate the Expand use profile option.
  4. You can either
    • select a predefined time profile from the <Daily cycle selection> dropdown list, or
    • enter per hour the percentage use of the respective internal load under the diagram; or
    • click the diagram and drag to the desired value to set the hourly desired value.
  5. Close the Edit use profile dialog.


The desired use profiles are created and can be assigned to the corresponding rooms in the dialog Assignment of internal loads.