Details on Overview: Rooms
Information about the Overview: section. Rooms in heat load calculation.
In the Overview: Rooms section, all rooms of the currently selected structural level are displayed. You can create more rooms, storeys and apartments. If a heat load calculation has already been performed, the corresponding results for each room are displayed.
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Copy table contents
By clicking you have the possibility to copy the contents of the table with or without column heading and paste it into Excel.
If you have selected individual rows or cells, you can copy the selected data with the key combinations Ctrl+C (with column heading) or Ctrl+Shift+C (without column heading) and paste it into Excel, for example.
Sort table
By clicking the column headlines fields you can sort the table in ascending () or descending (
) order.
Switch to the selected room
– Room view in the toolbar: Is activated as soon as a room is selected in the table. Switches to the room level of the selected room by clicking. Alternatively, you can double-click the Name of a room in the table.
Column | Description |
Name | Name of the room with the automatically generated prefix. |
Width/Length/Area | Room measurements and area. These specifications refer to clear dimension. |
Φ t_ext. | Transmission heat loss to ext. |
Φ v_total | Transmission heat loss of the room. |
Φ v_min | Ventilation heat loss due to minimum air changes. |
Φ v_inf | Ventilation heat loss due to infiltration. |
Φ v_su | Ventilation heat loss due to mechanical ventilation. |
Φ v_mech.inf | Ventilation heat loss due to extract air excess. |
Φ v_total | Total ventilation heat loss. |
Φ HL_Standard | Standard heat load |
Φ RH | Add. heat-up capacity |
Φ HL_design | Design heat load |
Φ W/m² | Heat load per square meter. |
Φ W/ m³ | Heat load per cubic meter. |
Context menu
A click into an empty row of the table opens the context menu. You will get a selection of rooms and levels that you can create on this level. The context menu remains open until you click in an empty row again or click Done in the context menu. Rooms already created are marked with the number of inserted instances in the context menu. For example, if you have created three corridors in your apartment, the room Corridor will have the prefix 3x in the context menu.
When a new parent or parallel structural level is created in a structural level, all subsequently created rooms are added to the last created structural level. For example, if you are on the ground floor and create an upper floor in the context menu by clicking into a free row, all the rooms created afterwards will be added to the upper floor. If you create a second apartment on one of the levels, all rooms created afterwards will be added to the second apartment.