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Details on General Building Unit Data

Information about the General Building Unit Data section the Heat load tab of the building unit level.

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Module overviewHeat loadBuilding unit levelGeneral building unit data

If you have used the function Consider apartments with the same name and number as one apartment to connect two apartments, all settings in this area will be transferred to the respective connected apartment.

Temperature of the building unit in unheated condition

Minimum temperature in unheated condition: If you selected the Use global value checkbox in the General heat load data at the project level, the global value is only displayed here and cannot be changed. If you have not activated the Use global value checkbox, the Minimum temperature in unheated condition can be entered here for this building unit.

Building unit - activated: All rooms on this structure level are regarded as part of a building unit. For the adjoining building unit, the status under Usage Behavior determines the temperature used when calculating the temperature in the unheated state.

General rooms - activated: The rooms on this indenture level are not considered to belong to any building unit in the calculation. This option is useful for staircases in apartment buildings, for example. For the adjacent building unit, either the annual average temperature or at least 15 °C is used to calculate the temperature in the unheated state. For the calculation of the transmission losses of the adjacent rooms (also in other BU) the room temperatures are transferred.

sporadically used - activated: This building unit is occasionally not heated for a long time. For the adjacent building unit, either the annual average temperature or at least 15 °C is used to calculate the temperature in the unheated state.

regularly used - activated: This building unit is normally used and heated daily. For the adjacent building unit, the room temperature is transferred to calculate the temperature in the unheated state.

Heat transfer system for rooms higher than 4 m

If you have a heat transfer system in this building unit that differs from the project settings for rooms with a ceiling height of more than four meters, you can select it from this drop-down list. You can deactivate the calculation of the surface temperature with correction factors for this building unit via the entry no corrections..

Temperature correction through time constant

Building mass

Here you define the building mass of the currently selected building unit. If a different selection than equal to building mass is specified, the time constant is calculated for this building unit as for an independent building.

Outside temperature correction (time constant)

Depending on the selected building mass, a correction of 0 to 4K is applied to the outside temperature.

Standard -Outdoor temperature

Depending on the selected building mass, 0 to 4K is added to the outside temperature. The corrected outside temperature is displayed here.

Height of the building unit above sea level

Shows the actual height of the building unit above sea level.