Details on Temperature Profile
Information on the Temperature profile dialog in the dynamic cooling load calculation.
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Extend temperature profile - activated: Allows setting the temperature for every hour of the day. The temperature can either be entered directly under the diagram or set hourly by clicking in the diagram and dragging to the desired value. In addition, you can select from the Diurnal variation selection drop-down list from a list of predefined time profiles with preset temperatures.
Deactivated: You can enter a temperature for the entire day, starting from which cooling is to take place or select a temperature from the master tables by clicking .
Temperatures controlled by outside temperature – activated: You can define temperature intervals within which the room temperature is allowed to rise and fall in line with the outside temperature. The temperature line belonging to the active input field is highlighted. As soon as the outside temperature t_a,1 is reached, the indoor room temperature rises in parallel with the outside temperature up to a maximum of t_i,2. t_i,2 is reached simultaneously with t_a,2.
t_i,1: Target temperature or minimum internal temperature with extended temperature profile.
t_a,1: Outside temperature, starting at which the inside temperature is to slide along in parallel.
t_i,2: Maximum inside temperature.
t_a,2: Outside temperature, at which t_i,2 is to be reached.
Month: Selection of the design month. For each of the six design months, the calculation is performed in the CDP with the corresponding temperatures.
t_a – activated: Displays the outside temperature of the selected design month in the diagram.
Activate lower temperature limit – activated: You can define either a fixed minimum temperature or a temperature curve. If the temperature drops below the defined temperature(s), heating takes place.