Details on Temperature Profiles
Information on the Temperature profiles dialog in the dynamic cooling load calculation.
Temperature profiles
Temperature profiles define the course of temperatures over a period of 24 hours at hourly intervals and are combined in temperature profile sets. In VDI 2078, each set contains a temperature profile for working days (WD) and a profile for non-working days (NWD).
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In the diagram, the configured temperature curve of the temperature profile set that was last selected in the table is displayed for the WD or for the NWD.
Set name
Name of the temperature profile set. You can edit the name by clicking in the field. F5 or click in an empty line creates a new set. F6 deletes the selected set.
Displays the set temperature limits of the profile for the working day. Click opens the corresponding profile.
Displays the set temperature limits of the profile for the non-working day. Click opens the corresponding profile.
Used in
Indicates in how many rooms of the building structure the selected temperature profile set is used.