Details on Results, Building - Cooling Load
Information on the Cooling load tab in the results of the dynamic cooling load calculation for a building.
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The diagram shows the load curve resulting from the calculation with the activated options over the selected display period.
Cooling and heating load components
You can choose which parts of the cooling load or heat load you would like to display in the diagram. For each curve the display color can be adjusted.
Internal loads
You can select which of the internal loads should be displayed in the diagram. The display color can be adjusted for each curve.
Reset colors: Restores the default colors for all displayable curves.
Further display options
Diagram type
You can choose from the following options for displaying the diagram:
Bar chart
Line diagram
Points with lines
Display period
From the drop-down list, you can select which design month to use for displaying the cooling load curve. By default, the month with the highest cooling load is always displayed when the result dialogs are opened. Each month can display either the Cooling Design Day or the entire Cooling Design Period.