Details on options in the settings
Information on the Options tab in the Settings dialog of the cooling load calculation.
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Calculation target
Specifies whether the target temperature specified in the Temperature profile dialog is to refer to the measured air temperature or the operative temperature. The operative temperature is calculated as the mean temperature of the air and surface temperature. The weighting of the two temperatures is done through the weighting factor.
Air temperature.
Enabled: Target temperatures from the temperature profiles refer to the air temperature.
Operative temperature
Enabled: Target temperatures from the temperature profiles refer to the operative temperature. The Air temperature weight factor (%) is also required to determine the operative temperature. You can enter the weight factor directly as a percentage or select it from a list of predefined weight factors by clicking . The weight factor depends on the air velocity.
Cooling/heating load limitation
Limitation of the cooling capacity of the system/Limitation the heating capacity of the system
Enabled: Limits the power of the system per room. This default is adopted for all rooms and can be adjusted in the individual rooms.
Clicking opens the Power profiles dialog, where you can select and customize the desired power profile set. In the profile, you can limit the power per room to a fixed value or set it over 24 hours in the expanded profile.
Clicking opens the Power profiles dialog, where you can select and customize the desired power profile set. In the profile, you can limit the power in the room per square meter to a fixed value or set it over 24 hours in the expanded profile.