Details on Methods in the Settings
Information about the Methods tab in the Settings dialog of the dynamic cooling load calculation.
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General information
Method selection for the cooling load calculation
This is where you define the calculation method for the cooling load of your project. You can choose between calculations according to ASHRAE 2013 - commercial cooling load calculation and according to VDI 2078 - June 2015.
Settling for the cooling load calculation
For ASHRAE only the periodic oscillation of the cooling load calculation with CDD (Cooling Design Day) is available. VDI 2078 calculates with CDP (Cooling Design Period) as standard, but cooling load calculation with CDD (Cooling Design Day) is also available.
Number of working days per week
Specifies the number of working days per week.
Global activation
In this area you can globally control whether an internal load is taken into account in the cooling load calculation. In this way you can assess the influence of individual loads on the overall result. Deactivate an internal load to exclude it from the calculation.
The capacities of the enveloping surfaces are only available in the calculation according to ASHRAE and can therefore only be activated/deactivated there.