Details on Azimuth and Elevation Angle
Information on the Azimuth and elevation angle dialog for in the Configuration for the short procedure of the cooling load.
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If norm deviating specifications are required for the building, you can adjust the requested values for elevation and azimuth in the respective consideration months at this point.
Load angle
Latitude 50 °: Fills the table with values from VDI 2078. The current configuration can be saved before.
Determine sun position
Calculate...: Opens the Azimuth and Elevation Angle dialog where you can enter user-defined values for building location and consideration months.
Save...: Saves the current configuration of the table in DAT format. Use an own file name in order to not overwrite the default configuration.
Save...: Saves the current configuration of the table in DAT format. Use an own file name in order to not overwrite the default configuration.