Details on Closed-loop Control System
Information on the Closed-loop control system section in panel heating/cooling.
Defines the assignment of the control components and shows the rooms dimensioned and the components assigned to them.
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Control components are automatically assigned to the rooms and circuits during dimensioning. Central devices are also assigned in the background. The controls specified by the selected manufacturer as standard control components are used. Room controllers can be selected globally for all rooms or, if the selection is supported by the manufacturer and the selected control type, individually in the room. The individual components used are included in the material compilation according to the manufacturer's specifications.
Defines the number and name of the closed-loop control system.
Closed-loop control
Displays the selected or manufacturer defined standard closed-loop control.
: Opens the Select a single room closed-loop control system dialog, where you can select other control components of the manufacturer, if any are stored in the system.
Room table of the closed-loop control
Lists the rooms designed with panel heating/cooling, the components assigned to them, and the number of circuits in the room.
Toolbar of the closed-loop control area
Room view
Switches to the room view of the room selected in the table.