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Details on Limit Surface Temperatures

Information about the Limit surface temperatures dialog.

Allows to adjust the maximum permitted surface temperatures, which are taken into account when dimensioning the surfaces with systems. The maximum permitted values are normally not exceeded during automatic design or a warning is displayed in the Log window.

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The limit surface temperatures of the individual components (floors, ceilings and walls) can be adjusted. Limit surface temperatures for floors in bathrooms and border zones can be determined separately for panel heating. For surface cooling, the fields for floors in bathrooms and border zones are deactivated.

The suggested values are specifications from standards or values agreed with the manufacturers.


The limit surface temperatures should not be modified without expert knowledge and not without consulting the system suppliers as well as the executing companies.

Consider temperature excesses in feed pipes during dimensioning

Activated: The temperature limits in the feed pipes can be exceeding during the dimensioning and a message concerning this will be displayed in the Log window. You can locate the positions and insulate the feed pipes if necessary.

Deactivated: If limits are exceeded, the capacity will be reduced to comply with the limits and a message about it will be displayed in the Log window.

Standard: Restores the default setting.